Kingbee recently acquired the assets of Fluid Truck, including the app and reservation platform, and we are actively working on rebranding these assets; you will continue to see some of Fluid’s branding across these platforms as we work through these updates. Kingbee looks forward to servicing existing and new agreements and you’ll notice rental charges from Kingbee moving forward.

Add a Payment Method

Before you hit the road make sure to upload a payment method! Read our step-by-step instructions below to learn how.

Fluid Truck App

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Within the App, open your Account Menu in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. Select the Billing tab.
  3. Under Borrower billing, select Payment Methods.
  4. Available payment options will be listed on this page. If you’d like to add a new payment option, click the Add Payment Method link.
  5. Select your payment method of choice — Debit Card or Credit Card. (For Bank Accounts, please check the Pay-As-You-Go “how to” page for more details.)
  6. Enter the required payment information. If this is the first card on file for the account, make sure you enable the Set as Default button. Then click Save.
  7. You will return to the Payment Methods screen and should see the newly added payment method within the entries field.

Congrats! Your payment has been added!

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